Monitor Covid Border Requirements for Travel.

While planning your winter, Snowbird travels, keep tabs on current Covid conditions, restrictions, and border requirements for your winter destination.  Also, watch for applicable rules on points in between you need to travel through.

Here are a few links and websites to help you keep up to date.

Each country has its own international travel rules.  Health advisories and local regulations can also impact your travel.  You need to be aware of these restrictions and how they apply to you.

Covid Travel ItemsCovid Travel

Use the following handy links to monitor Covid conditions at the borders and throughout the countries you plan to travel to.  Conditions and rules, as we've seen, can change quickly.

Staying flexible and being prepared for the rules and conditions you may encounter will help keep your winter travels smooth, and stress to a minimum.

US Covid Border Information

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the US, known as the CDC, offers travel advisories, guidelines, and Covid-19 rules for the United States. —

The Kayak travel site offers international travel restrictions for each country. —

US Regional Covid Information

Here’s a helpful map provided by the Mayo Clinic, with current Covid conditions for each state. Each US state’s Covid situation is on the map shown on a colored scale. —

This site has useful information on current Covid policies from state to state in the US. —

Canadian Border Information

The Canadian government’s website has up-to-date travel protocols for international travel to Canada. —

Mexican Border Information

The Mexican border has been quite open and free of Covid restrictions throughout the pandemic.  There may be local controls depending on the current Covid situation at your destination. —

An interesting map showing current Covid conditions for each Mexican state. —

Belizean Border Information

Belize’s travel restrictions from the Kayak travel website. —

Panamanian Border Information

Panama’s Covid travel restrictions from the Kayak website. —

Costa Rican Border Information

Costa Rica’s travel restrictions from the Kayak website. —

It’s wise to pack a few essentials with you. — A couple of masks for when and if they are required, and some hand sanitizer.

Be aware, be flexible, and be respectful as you travel.  Try and prepare ahead of your trip. — And take a cue from what the locals are doing in each jurisdiction.

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